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Startup Visa

Canadian Startup Business Development Program

Are you excited about starting or expanding your business to Canada and international market?

Marvel startup experts can assist businesses in conducting international commercialization and development activities in the Canadian market. We provide training and preparation of Startup Visa candidates for Designated Organizations. Induction of the candidates and businesses with the Incubators, Angels and VCs for our quality of preparatory work to make sure the application passes through stringent vetting process.

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Program Features

Post Landing Support

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Startup Business Funding

Marvel Startup Entrepreneur Programs

Are you excited about starting or expanding your business to Canada and international market?

Canadian provinces will nominate eligible applicants for immigration to Canada to settle in that province.
Depending on the economic demands of the province, entrepreneurs and businesspeople interested in relocating to one of the provinces that participate in the PNP Business nomination programme, may wish to think about making an investment there.

 To use a specific entrepreneur PNP, the applicant must intend to reside in that province and must operate a qualifying business in that province. A detailed business plan is usually required.

PNP Entrepreneur Eligibility
While each PNP entrepreneur program has its own set of eligibility requirements, generally each program requires the following:

Path to Permanent Residency

Under PNP programs, applicants first apply to be nominated by a province, and based on that nomination applicant may receive permanent residence. Marvel startup is specialized in business immigration. We will help you with every step of the program, including eligibility, market research and business analysis, business plan, moving and establishing your business in Canada.

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